Shanghai Scallion Pancake CHANGLISHENG 450g
(DK)Hvedemel(58%),Vand,Afkortning[Raffineret Palmeolie,Antioxidant(E320,E321)], Sojabønneolie,Grønt Løg(7%),Salt,Sukker,Peber,Smagsforstærker(E621)
(EN)Wheat Flour(58%),Water,Shortening[Refined Palm Oil,Antioxidant(E320,E321)],Soybean Oil,GreenOnion(7%),Salt,Sugar,Pepper,Flavour Enhancer(E621)
Nettovægt/Net Weight: 450g
Bedst Før/Best Before:Se pakke/See package
Produkt Af/Product Of: Kina/China
Opbevaringstilstand:Opbevares frosset under -18 ℃ eller koldere indtil det bedste før. Må ikke genfryses efter optøning.
Storage Condition:Keep frozen under -18℃ or colder until the best before. Do not refreeze after defrosting.
Importør/Importer:Yokoso A/S
Lyongade 21,2300 København S,DK
Næringsfakta/Nutrition Facts:
Ernæringsfakta pr/Nutrition Facts per |
100g |
Kalorier/Calories |
1454kJ/346Kcal |
Total Fedt/Total Fat |
22.8g |
Heraf Mættede Fedtsyrer/Of Which Saturated Fatty Acids |
0.2g |
Samlet Kulhydrat/Total Carbohydrate |
30.5g |
Heraf Sukker/Of Which Sugar |
0.3g |
Protein/Protein |
5.4g |
Salt/Salt |
1.25g |
Super crispy and flaky on the outside and slightly chewy inside, scallion pancakes, make a wonderful snack that you’ll love! The perfect flour-to-water ratio to create the dough that is elastic and not too soft and has many layers .
1.Let the frozen pancakes thaw for 10 minutes.
2.Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat and add enough oil to fully coat the bottom.
3.Once the oil is hot, add a pancake. Use a spatula to swirl the pancake around to spread the oil and prevent sticking, for a few seconds. Cover the skillet and turn the heat down to medium.
4.Let the pancake cook, covered, for 1 minute. Remove the lid and flip the pancake, cover, and cook for another minute.
5.Remove the lid. Use a spatula to press the pancake, to ensure even browning. Continue to cook, flipping regularly, until both sides are crisp and browned, about 3 minutes.
6.Turn to medium-low heat if the pan gets too hot. Transfer the pancake to a cooling rack or a cutting board to cool. Repeat to cook all the pancakes you plan to serve.